Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Better Late Than Never

So I know it's been a while since I've updated but at the time I wasn't getting much then I went in to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. Talk about painful. But let's get on to the mail. First I got a letter from a new pen pal of mine over in Belgium.

Then I got a cute handmade Christmas card and letter and extras from my good friend who is from PA as well. 

After that a received a letter from my pen pal over in Singapore, that I don't hear from that often. Since mail takes a while.

Another day I got two letters the same day. The one being another letter from my PA friend, which my daughter loved the my little pony stickers and took. lol. 

 The other from my pen pal in Brazil. Which also takes a little bit of time to get here. Which is why the Christmas card is late. 

 Lastly is another letter from my new pen pal in Belguim. I just love how the enevople is all facy, I can never do that. lol.                  

 Well that is all for now. Hopefully have some more for you all soon. Take care.


  1. How cool to get mail from all over the world! I would love to have international pen pals like I did when I was a little kid, but I'm so busy these days that I'm terrible about returning letters! :P

    1. Haha yes it's fun. But does take a lot of time. I really only get to at night when my daughter is sleeping. lol.
